13 Oct Bad Habits that We Pick Up at Work
We spend approximately one-third of our adult life at work. Thus it is common to pick up habits there and unfortunately not only the good ones.
While we are doing our best to meet the workplace requirements we often forget about our own well-being. But our commitment to work and top performance should not blind us from seeing the negative consequences of neglecting our own health.
If you keep reading, you will find the most common bad habits formed at one’s workplace and maybe realize that you have picked up some, too.
Time to Do Something Is Now
Our workplace health and well-being measures should remind us every day of what we can improve to prevent problems, related to unhealthy habits, formed at work. But we still don’t feel like following them.
Maybe our unwillingness to follow healthy measures lies in the unawareness of the bad habits we pick up at our workplace.
And thus we don’t feel like doing anything to change them. But we should because it can be too late when health problems occur.
The Most Common Bad Habits We Pick up at Work
- Bad posture is one of the most common unhealthy habits picked up by office workers. It causes various back-related problems, neck and lower back tension, etc.
- Staring at the screen for too long can lower the flexibility of your eyes’ lenses. It can also dry out your eyes (and even cause redness) because when being focused, we don’t blink often enough.
- Checking notifications on your smartphone. It’s a bad distraction, especially when you have to meet a deadline. But doing it at a meeting or while talking to someone is also rude.
- Skipping meals– there’s no excuse (like lack of time) for it! Irregular and unbalanced meals can cause diabetes, obesity, lack of energy …
- Yelling for no reason doesn’t do any good to anyone. It increases the stress level in your body as well as it usually negatively affects people that are being yelled at and anyone around them.
- Sweets drawer can be very tempting, especially when under stress. Pushed by anxiety and stress, we reach for a sweet comfort, safely stored in our precious drawer.
- Drinking too much coffee can affect your sleeping routine. It can also cause dehydration, so try to drink at least one glass of water for each cup of coffee that you have.
We’ve made this list hoping to change such an attitude and help everyone increase their workplace well-being and overall health. So, if you feel like doing something to form new, healthy habits at your workplace, you can start by following a few tips we have pointed out in one of our previous well-being advice.